Arlington Plaza is already a special place to grab a warm almond croissant at Renaud's Patisserie or listen to live music while eating rustic salsa at Carlitos, but it for two nights it was also the place to get Santa Barbara Apothecary Co. merch!
On December 6th and 7th we joined in with other local makers to peddle our wares under cafe lights and decorated our own amazing wood hut. But this wasn't all, Santa was also there and we were soothed with the vocal stylings of the Dos Pueblos Jazz Choir. It was truly magical. This was the second annual Christmas market at Arlington Plaza and I can't imagine missing this glorious event. It was like an outdoor European Market filled with local vendors and handmade products from in and around Santa Barbara.

This was SBAC's first pop up and it was fun and successful. If you have a market and think that we might be interested in attending as a vendor, please drop us a line here.